Silp, a new talent pool on Facebook, has opened its doors

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Dominik Grolimund founded his first company in the age of 14. In the last months he developed a new project named Silp, a talent pool on Facebook. The Launch is today.

Silp is a new way to find the dream job. It uses the power of several internet networks to match talents with job vacancies.
The tool matches jobs with skills and interests by taking various criteria into account, such as the user’s professional information on Facebook (work, education, location, etc.), specified skills, interests, and job preferences. And since most people link to other sites from their Facebook profile, Silp can mine, parse, and extract skills and interests from other online profiles as well (like Twitter, Blog, Tumblr, LinkedIn,, GitHub, Stackoverflow, Behance, Zerply, Dribbble, etc.). The matching improves over time as Silp learns from feedback mechanisms, such as a user’s reactions to suggested job offers.
On the other hand Silp It provides employers with the tools to identify potential candidates in their and their company’s network. When an employer posts a job vacancy, they, their co-workers and friends can see who in their extended network (friends and friends-of-friends) might be a good fit for the position. They can then recommend the job further or seek guidance, thus letting the job travel the social graph until the right candidates are found. Most people find jobs through their network of friend – Silp automates and supercharges this process.
When a job match is found, users will be informed by email or by a Facebook message from a friend. Silp’s matching algorithm ensures users receive only jobs they’ll really want.
Talents can sign up for free and wait for opportunities to come their way. Silp is suitable for people who are not actively looking for a job (passive candidates) but who want to get informed of interesting opportunities that match their interests and preferences.
Employers can post jobs on Silp to reach talents in their network and beyond. Silp provides tools to identify potential candidates in the extended networks of co-workers and friends. In addition, employers can reach out to candidates in the Silp talent pool outside their network who match the job and are potential fits. Posting jobs is currently in pilot phase with initial customers and not publicly available yet.
One of the founders of Silp is Dominik Grolimund. He was previously founder and CEO at Wuala, acquired by LaCie in 2009. He started his first company Caleido when he was 14. Caleido developed a CRM software of which more than 35'000 licenses have been sold. Grolimund has a Master's degree in Computer Science from ETH Zurich. The other three founders have worked for Namics. One of them is former Namics Art Director Jonas Kamber.


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