Company profile

Neuria Sàrl

Currently, in the world, we count more than 538 Mio patients affected by diabetes, and even worse, more than 2Bn obese people. Unhealthy diets are responsible for 20% of our healthcare system cost, each year. Neuria developed a patented neurocognitive motor training system, based on 15 years of science, with which we deliver digital therapy through mobile games that rewire patients' brains to decrease unhealthy food cravings, leading to sustainable weight loss, permanent shift toward healthier eating habits and increased quality of life. Frédérik Plourde, CEO - Serial tech entrepreneur Lucas Spierer, CSO - 15+ years director of clinical neuroscience laboratory Neuria targets digital therapeutics (DTx) market, specifically food management niche, representing CHF 18.6Bn with 20.11% CAGR.

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Neuria Digital therapeutics wins over Vanguard Accelerator

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09.02.2024 16:00

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26.09.2023 11:43

Future of Health Grant kicks off with new cohort

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10.11.2022 17:00

Neuria wins the Fribourg Innovation Award

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06.10.2022 09:00

Six startups en finale du Prix à l'Innovation de Fribourg

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26.09.2022 10:30

First Ten Future of Health Grant Startups in the spotlight

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Neuria Sàrl


Fribourg / Freiburg

