Zurich Climate Award for RedElec

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CHF 15.000 for RedElec: The company from Monthey wins the third prize of the Zurich Climate Award Romandie.

RedElec has developed an innovative technology for dyeing jeans eco-friendly. The big advantage of its technology is that no salt gets into the waste water. The process is based on a new technology allowing to carryout redox transformations (reduction or oxidation) at best economical and environmental cost, directly on the production site. The electrochemical reduction of aqueous suspension of indigo used for the dyeing of cotton constitutes the first industrial application.

For its new technology RedElec was now awarded with the third prize of CHF 15.000 at the Zurich Climate Award Romandie.

RedElec is a spin-off of ETH Zurich. It was founded in 2007 and awarded with the CTI Start-up Label a few weeks ago.

