After closing a €86.2M contract with ESA, ClearSpace opens UK subsidiary

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ClearSpace plans to deliver a wide range of in-orbit services, including orbital debris removal, in-orbit transport, and satellite life extension. The space innovator has announced the formation of a UK subsidiary, its first significant engineering presence outside of Switzerland.

Since its formation in 2018, ClearSpace has innovated rapidly and has recently signed an €86.2M in-orbit service contract with the European Space Agency to remove orbital debris, the first step in cleaning up Space for future generations. ClearSpace-1 will be the first space mission to remove an item of debris from orbit, planned for launch in 2025.

The formation of ClearSpace Today Ltd will allow critical parts of that ClearSpace-1 Mission, and other future commercial missions, to be developed in the UK.  The new ClearSpace facility has the potential to create more than 20 high-skill jobs.

ClearSpace CEO and co-founder Luc Piguet said: “Space sustainability and resilient operations is a challenge at the global scale – now is the time to build capabilities that will make our space operations more sustainable and affordable. We need to ambitiously grow space activities while safeguarding this precious environment for future generations.” 

ClearSpace’s UK lead Rory Holmes added: “We are thrilled to be part of the thriving UK space ecosystem and are excited to build our engineering presence here, tapping into the highly-relevant experience that exists within the high-tech talent pool and the local industry.  “We are very grateful for the invaluable support provided by the UK Space Agency and the Department for International Trade throughout the setup of our UK subsidiary.” 


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