Sales Management Academy


08.11.2022 08:30 - 29.11.2022 12:30


EPFL Innovation Park


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Successful companies have outstanding Sales Management teams!

It actually starts with you. Build up your own Sales and Sales Management skills to know firsthand what should be done or avoided to grow and manage a successful sales organisation.

Sales and Sales Management can be frustrating, especially if you feel you are not quite up to your own ambitions and you are missing something that makes you more successful or simply makes your life easier.

You know you could learn a few important things that would help you but you can't afford to spend a week in class or countless hours online. You would rather go for a hyperdense course that matches your busy schedule and gives you an extensive view of what makes the difference in Sales and Sales Management. ​

EPFL Innovation Park created a short 4 half-day course to get your hands on the tips and tricks to build up your sales skills and to manage a fast-growing sales organisation. A course that will help you get in the league of salespeople and sales managers of companies that outperform their competition.
