Dare to Discover - Hatch Demo Day 2020


24.06.2020 16:00 - 18:30




Follow this Link

On Demo Day, you will meet the 8 Impact Tech Ventures that are the Hatch Fellows for the year 2019-2020. Our 8 #Hatchers were selected from over 1000 organizations, leveraging technology to solve global challenges, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. This is the moment the #Hatchers will be on the spotlight to showcase their ventures and progress.

Join the team for the Hatch Demo Day and dare to discover the Impact Tech Ecosystem that is shaping the future of the World & Humanity.

  • 4.00 pm -- Welcome to Demo Day
  • 4.15 pm -- Panel
  • 4.35 pm -- Hatchers' Pitches
  • 5.35pm -- Meet the Hatchers: a special Q&A live session in individual rooms so that you can meet the founders & the teams!
This is an exclusive & private event for registered guests only.
The link to access the online event will be provided to you by email.
Make sure to add the event on your calendar after registering, to secure your spot.

For more info and details, please write to Lea at hatch[at]hatchcolab[dot]ch.
The team is looking forward to seeing you on the 24th of June!
