
06.06.2017 10:21

>>venture>> finalists determined

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06.06.2017 08:34

Strekin AG Secures CHF 10 Million Financing

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02.06.2017 14:51

Die Gewinner des Swiss Economic Award stehen fest

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02.06.2017 11:16

Inthera Bioscience Raises CHF 10.5 Million in Series A Financing Round

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02.06.2017 10:47

Major order for Green Motion from Ticino

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02.06.2017 09:12

Swissbiolabs becomes reality

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02.06.2017 08:46

Elanix Biotechnologies lance la commercialisation de la crème GYNrepair

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01.06.2017 14:32

Gründer sollen weiterhin Pensionskassengelder verwenden dürfen

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01.06.2017 14:16

Femtoprint taps into the Japanese market

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01.06.2017 10:28

AgroFly gagne la 8e Edition du Prix Créateurs BCVs

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01.06.2017 09:42

Firsthand information

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01.06.2017 09:34

Ziano gewinnt Swiss E-Commerce Award

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31.05.2017 16:35

Neode prize: CHF 50,000 for the most innovative medtech project

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31.05.2017 12:56

Migros Zürich übernimmt Hitzberger

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31.05.2017 10:59

Innovationen aus dem Sport sorgen für besseren Schlaf

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31.05.2017 10:40

Evolute raises 6 million in series A financing round

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31.05.2017 08:03

World’s fastest sepsis test successfully tested in London and Zurich

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30.05.2017 16:33

CP Start-Up launches new series of calls for start-up projects

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30.05.2017 16:27

Doppelleu expandiert in die Romandie

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30.05.2017 11:52

Call for Applications: Social Impact Award Switzerland 2017

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30.05.2017 09:48

Netguardians closes CHF 8.5 million Series C funding

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30.05.2017 09:30

Romandie Network choisit SwissPay comme solution de monétisation

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29.05.2017 15:50

Hack the City and HackZurich join forces to promote Ticino hackers

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29.05.2017 10:03

Swisscom und Qumram: Compliance as a Service

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29.05.2017 08:54

Saphetor Signs Multiple Service Agreements with University College London

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26.05.2017 11:36

Interprefy announces closing of financing round

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26.05.2017 10:57

Swiss universities among the most innovative in Europe

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26.05.2017 09:24

Chatbot gibt Veranstaltungstipps

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24.05.2017 16:55

Die Nominierten für den CTI Swiss Medtech Award stehen fest

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24.05.2017 16:15

Sensoryx closes first financing round

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24.05.2017 14:34

“In Switzerland, we are not aggressive enough”

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24.05.2017 11:55

Registration open for the Medtech and Healthcare Startup Tour India 2017

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24.05.2017 10:23

Bei geht die Rechnung auf

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24.05.2017 08:20

MassChallenge Switzerland Announces 2017 Class of Startups

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23.05.2017 16:41

Gute Aussichten bei schlechtem Wetter

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23.05.2017 15:03

Three startups from three regions awarded at Venture Kick final

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23.05.2017 14:14

100'000 CHF pour le Digital Pitch 2017

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23.05.2017 11:39

Memo Therapeutics announces proof of concept of its antibody platform

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23.05.2017 09:51

Fünf Startups für das Startfeld Investors Forum bestimmt

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23.05.2017 08:27

Procivis lanciert Beta-Version seiner E-Identity-Plattform

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22.05.2017 16:22

Orbiwise gains support for the expansion in Asia

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22.05.2017 15:30

cewas Start-up Programme call for applications

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22.05.2017 11:30

DAC System installs the first antenna monitoring systems in the US

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22.05.2017 08:49

Virometix Closes Financing Round

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