i-net Launches Experts Program New Venture Assessment

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The mission of i-net innovation networks switzerland is to promote innovation in Northwestern Switzerland. New Venture Assessment is i-net’s new ex­perts pro­gram for start-ups and in­no­v­a­tive SMEs on course for expansion.

Busi­nesses don’t just come out of nowhere. What an en­tre­pre­neur needs to get a busi­ness off the ground is a qual­i­fied ex­change with ex­perts. This is ex­actly what’s on offer with the New Ven­ture As­sess­ment: As part of a guided process, start-ups and in­no­v­a­tive SMEs get as­sess­ments and con­crete rec­om­men­da­tions for ac­tion for their busi­ness plans from in­dus­try in­sid­ers, en­tre­pre­neurs and sub­ject experts.

The i-net ser­vice is free of charge and is ori­ented to­wards first-time en­tre­pre­neurs who want to make the leap into busi­ness, as well as al­ready es­tab­lished high-tech SMEs who want to ex­pand their ex­ist­ing busi­ness with a con­crete in­no­va­tion plan.

The New Ven­ture As­sess­ment is struc­tured in a mod­u­lar fash­ion and sup­ports en­tre­pre­neurs step by step in the most del­i­cate phase of their jour­ney – namely when it comes to spec­i­fy­ing a busi­ness idea and mak­ing the right de­ci­sions for its op­er­a­tional implementation.

This is a three-stage process, whereby the fol­low­ing mile­stones are reached:

  • Feasibility and establishment of the business strategy
  • Market analysis and assessment of the revenue potential
  • Operational business set-up and financing

Es­sen­tially, the New Ven­ture As­sess­ment con­sists of work­shops with proven ex­perts who have been picked from the i-net net­work based on the stage and the ques­tions posed by the busi­ness idea. These ex­perts are briefed in line with stan­dard­ized in­struc­tions. Fol­low­ing the work­shop, the ex­perts give feed­back and offer spe­cific rec­om­men­da­tions for ac­tion with re­gard to the next steps. Through­out the en­tire process, the en­tre­pre­neurs are sup­ported by the i-net Tech­nol­ogy Manager.

The three stages at a glance
The three stages of the New Ven­ture As­sess­ment are tai­lored to one an­other, but can also be se­lected flex­i­bly as re­quired. Each stage con­sists of a work­shop last­ing sev­eral hours, which is pre­pared by i-net in co­op­er­a­tion with the can­di­dates. Fol­low­ing this, the ex­perts then give their opin­ion and con­crete rec­om­men­da­tions for action.

Stage 1 – Busi­ness idea & strategy
The first stage fo­cuses on ex­am­in­ing the can­di­date’s busi­ness idea and dis­cussing the strat­egy. This includes::

Stage 2 – Mar­ket & revenue
The sec­ond stage is ded­i­cated to the analy­sis of the idea’s mar­ket po­ten­tial.

Stage 3 – Op­er­a­tions & fi­nanc­ing
The third stage looks at fi­nances as well as the or­ga­ni­za­tion of the com­pany.

In­ter­ested? Do you have fur­ther ques­tions or would you like to talk to some­body to get more in­for­ma­tion? Please get in touch with Stephan Emmerth


