Loriot taps into a billion dollar market

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Enugu, Nigeria

The Zurich based Loriot has entered a partnership with the West Africa Network and Security company Layer3 to bring IoT to Nigeria. The partners will deploy infrastructure to build on smart city and smart building solutions.

Loriot is a global provider of operation and management software for a LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) network, ensuring peak performance, flexibility, high-security standards and compliance with local regulations. The infrastructure enables IoT sensors to collect and transmit data, through LoRaWAN gateways, to the application servers enabling IoT solutions across a wide range of sectors.

The IoT company is now extending its services to Nigeria, tapping into a market that is estimated to reach  $1 billion by 2025. Through its partnership with the Nigerian based Layers3, the parties aim to make IoT accessible to everyone and create a truly interconnected future, powered by smart, cloud-enabled technologies.

“This collaboration will bring the dream of smart offices and cities to life, by allowing devices, machines and whole buildings to link into extensive data networks Loriot through its LoRaWAN technology, together with our cloud infrastructure and expertise will make this happen We see enormous potential in Nigeria waiting for this change to happen Shatse Kakwagh Executive Director at Layer 3.

“Over the last months, we have been observing a growing interest in LoRaWAN technology in Africa For this reason, last year we upgraded our public infrastructure on the continent to offer better performance to our users Starting a partnership with a local player, such as Layer 3 allows us to support the next phase of this growth process and we expect to see new projects emerge and grow on a large scale in the coming months Added, Julian Studer CEO at LORIO.

(Press release)


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