Designergy rewarded at the venture kick

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Designergy wants to revolutionize the world of construction with its solar-roof. The company from Ticino has won CHF130’000 at the venture kick competition.

Daniel Lepori, founder of Designergy, wants to cause a furore with the following innovation: instead of installing solar collectors on your roof, he wants to combine the two and as a result create a new building material. This not only increases future energy-efficiency, but also reduces the price-tag of the investment in question, as the photo-voltaic system starts to pay-its-self off much earlier.
A prototype developed at the University of Applied Sciences of Lugano (SUPSI/ISAAC) has already passed several tests in the context of a joint CTI research project and is poised to form the basis of a pilot-project which will start next year.
Designergy has won CHF130’000 at the venture kick competition. Daniel Lepori on the initiative: „What do you want more than to be professionally coached for free, while simultaneously having to continuously prove yourself? We wanted to make a big step forward by participating in venture kick. With the prize money we have won, we have even made a bigger one than originally planned! “

