CEO Day: More than 170 applications in one week

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Registration for the next CEO Day held on 24 October in Berne is possible since Monday. 174 participants have registered within five days.

Last year the organisers of the CEO DayCTI and CTI Invest - welcomed more than 440 participants and more than 450 1to1 meetings were held. Probably the figures will be even higher this year. Within five days 92 start-up companies, 32 investors, 19 CTI coaches and experts, 17 support organisations and 7 industrial companies registered for the event.
This year the CEO Day will be held on 24 October at the Stade de Suisse in Berne. Registration deadline and application deadline for the Dragon’s Den competition is 30 September.
As every year several new modules have been added to this year’s event. What awaits the participants at the 24 October can be seen on
The most important elements of the day:

Dragon's Den
Pitching competition for Start-ups
Capital On Stage
Investors pitching to Start-ups
1to1 meetings 
Speed Dating with Investors, Partners and many more
Best Practices
The practical and classical workshops 
Founders share experiences with seasoned professionals
Enough time for spontaneous discussions

