Venturelab launches venture leaders China

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Venture leaders is a competition with a long tradition. Now promising start-ups can not only travel to Boston but can win a trip to China, too. Venture leaders China offers participants a 10-day market exploration and development trip in Beijing and Shanghai, taking place form Sept 2nd to Sept 13th.

With the venture leaders program every year 20 excellent entrepreneurs have the unique chance of travelling with other top start-ups to Boston (USA) as part of the official Swiss national start-up team. In 2014 young entrepreneurs can also travel to China. The recruitment for the 2014 venture leaders China team has just begun.

Organized by venturelab in partnership with swissnex China, Consulate of Switzerland, venture leaders China consists of numerous opportunities for face-to-face discussions with leaders of the high-tech community. Venture leaders offers a focused and intense program designed to provide participants with a maximum impact on their personal, business and network development.

Venture leaders China participants will:

  • get exposure and discover one of the world's most dynamic region
  • accelerate the integration of China in their business growth strategy  of the Chinese market
  • benefit from a unique promotion and exposure both in Switzerland and China
  • extend their network, connecting with link minded top entrepreneurs.

Founding or managing members of an innovative technology based Swiss startup (any field accepted) can apply. In addition the start-up has to be ready for internationalisation / export, and the company should have a high market impact potential.

Deadline is 2 May. The TOP 10 candidates will be selected based on the application forms by an Experts Jury.  Interested founders have to register at to receive the application information.

