Venture Day Lugano


13.12.2022 15:30 - 17:15


Palazzo dei Congressi Lugano | Piazza Indipendenza 4, 6900 Lugano


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Matchmaking event for Startups to pitch and connect with our network of Investors, Corporates and Support Organisations.


15:30 – Door operning & Welcome by AGIRE, Boldbrain and Startup INVEST
17:15 – CLOSING Venture DAY LUGANO
18:30 – Boldbrain Startup Challenge

Selected start-ups

AMP IT – easy charging solutions for electric vehicles

Capskin - The solution for measuring pressure, shape and motion with soft wearable sensors

Endotelix - fast, sensitive and reliable solutions for Antiphospholipid Syndrome, including diagnostic tests and therapies.

Parknsleep – parking app for campers

The Nemesis by UNDO Studios SA - entertainment platform that offers innovative VR experiences through gameplays, challenges and events set in fun metaverses

Voltiris – PV modules allowing a double use of agricultural land by producing electricity without reducing the yield of crops placed underneath

Wyth -  experience creation platform enabling clients to bring their digital private community to life, connect all audiences with their organization, and keep them engaged with meaningful experiences
