The Female Entrepreneur Experience: Wisdom and Innovation


16.11.2023 17:00 - 20:30


Rolex Forum, EPFL


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Coming on November 16th 2023 at EPFL Forum Rolex: The Female Entrepreneur Experience - Wisdom & Innovation Conference with seven inspiring young women who graduated from EPFL, HES-SO and HEIG-VD and created their own startup

The conference will bring together seven dynamic young women entrepreneurs graduated from EPFL and HES-SO. They will share their experiences and try to give a taste of what it’s like to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship.
This will be followed by a round table moderated by Sylvie Makela, entrepreneur and TV columnist, and a Q&A session. Finally, there will be time for networking and discussion over finger food.

This event is organized in the framework of the FemSpin initiative, a collaborative project of ETHZ, EPFL, the Paul Scherrer Institute, the Universities of Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva, as well as the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences in Western (HES-SO), Southern (SUPSI) and Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW).
