Promoting Female Spin-off Intentions and Activities at Swiss Universities


09.05.2022 13:00 - 18:00

Application date



FHNW Campus Olten, Von Roll-Strasse 10, 4600 Olten


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This event addresses the conditions for spin-off intentions and activities by female scientists and students at Swiss Universities. It allows to learn from first measures to promote spin-off creation of female scientists across disciplines and university types.

Female academics and students are rarely involved in the commercialization of knowledge from research & development (R&D) at Swiss universities. Their share in spin-off creation is only very small, which means that considerable potential is lost to Switzerland as a prominent country of innovation.

This Kick-off Event is the starting point for a variety of activities in which all Swiss universities can participate. Representatives from gender & diversity, knowledge and technology transfer (KTT), innovation and start-up centers, and further stakeholders are invited to meet and discuss.
