Meet & Greet: >>venture>>, Switzlerland's Leading Startup Competition


20.01.2022 17:00 - 18:00


Impact Hub Bern, 28 Spitalgasse, 3011 Bern


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Meet >>venture>>, Switzerland's leading startup competition!

Join us for a short introduction to >>venture>>, Switzerland's leading startup competition. Learn how you can earn up to CHF 150,000 in non-dilutive funds, a McKinsey & Company business consulting package and coaching by leading industry experts.

The event will consist of a short presentation to the competition, requirements and prizes. This will be followed by a short testimonial from a locally-based >>venture>> alumnus.

To conclude the evening in true >>venture>> style, we will network! Come ready to meet our jurors, mentors and alumni!

The event will be 2G. A COVID-pass must be presented upon entry.
