Female Founders Investors Pitch Event


06.11.2023 17:30 - 20:30


University of St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse 50, 9000 St. Gallen


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At this event, you'll get the opportunity to listen to an interesting Fireside Chat and pitch live in front of investors at the same time!

The Female Founders Investors Pitch Events are semi-annual events that connect female founders with their potential early-stage investors. Furthermore, the participants get an in-depth insight into a specific topic through the Fireside Chat.


17:30-17:45 Welcome and introduction
17:45-18:05 Fireside Chat with Cornelia Gut-Villa, Managing Director @Startfeld Foundation and Board Member @SICTIC and Anna Rosenkranz, Co-Founder & CEO @Health Yourself
18:05-18:35 Startup pitch (live), each startup gets 90 seconds to present its business concept & needs (investment)
18:35-19:20 Roundtable discussions (1:1 conversations between investors and female founders)
19:20-19:30 Wrapping up
19:30-20:30 Apéro and networking

Event organized by ETH Entrepreneurship, Startup@HSG and Sandborn.


More information about the event:

- You can register for free to be part of the event, seats limited
- We ask you to buy only one ticket (startup or investor, no facilitators)
- @Startups: Please send us your one-pager pitch slide to team@sand-born.com, we will then put it in our presentation
- If you cannot attend this event: You can send an email to team@sand-born.com and we will add you to the list of participants for the next event
