Call for startups to participate in the Tech G Shanghai


31.07.2023 - 23:00

Application date





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Join the swisstech Pavilion in October at Tech G Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Show, a major tech expo in Asia. Deep dive into the China innovation ecosystem and connect with the marketplace, experts and partners.

This October, Swissnex China is inviting a selected cohort of Swiss startups to Tech G on October 12 - 14, 2023, through the swisstech pavilion. Swissnex will match the startups with potential customers, partners, industry experts, and clients to explore their China market potential. Startups will have the opportunity to develop their businesses and showcase their innovative solutions in the fields of 5G, artificial intelligence, drones, robotics, augmented / virtual reality, automotive technology, and much more.

What do participating startups get?

  • 9m² free individual booth as part of the swisstech country pavilion
  • Matchmaking and networking with potential customers, partners, industry experts and clients
  • Opportunity to pitch your product and gain media exposure
  • Latest insights on consumer technology trends
  • Startups approved for the Innosuisse China Camp program can receive a travel stipend of CHF 3000-6000

Startup participation is subject to the selection and approval of Swissnex in China. Due to the limited number of booths, only Swiss startups that have not previously joined a swisstech pavilion in China in-person will be eligible.

Application Deadline: July 31

Tech G is a leading consumer technology event in Asia, showcasing the most recent developments in 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented / Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Automotive Technology, and much more. Exhibitors, industry professionals, government officials, buyers, media, analysts, and consumers from around the world will come together to explore the latest consumer tech. Former participating companies include Alibaba, Haier, Softbank Robotics, BYD, SAIC Volkswagen, Tesla, and more.
