Company profile

Spitch AG

Spitch is a global provider of omnichannel Conversational AI platform headquartered in Switzerland. Spitch enables AI-driven digital transformation of customer service. Mission (market focus): Enable AI-driven digital transformation in contact centers. Vision: Spitch empowers businesses around the world to deliver a superior customer and employee experience through our complete omnichannel conversational platform and continuous professional services.

More news about Spitch AG

11.12.2019 16:38

Four startups collect gold and bronze accolades in the Tech Tour finals

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25.11.2019 15:46

Swiss startups on the global radar

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05.07.2019 10:03

Swisscom Startup Challenge: 10 finalists selected

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18.10.2017 17:08

Spitch and Genesys sign Technology Partner Agreement

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13.06.2017 13:52

Dank Spitch versteht die SBB App nun «Schwiizerdütsch»

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06.02.2017 16:24

Spitch selected for AI Bootcamp of Deutsche Telekom

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Spitch AG





