
02.04.2013 01:40

Swiss Start-ups that master the art of selling

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24.03.2013 13:32

7 Regular and 2 Elevator Pitches at the Swiss Venture Day - 26.3.2013 -1400-1800

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22.03.2013 11:55


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21.03.2013 14:58

Augurix, ETHZ and University of Zürich to initiate joint research programme

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19.03.2013 17:55

Microsoft has acquired Swiss start-up Netbreeze

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15.03.2013 14:45

Companies for next Swiss Venture Day selected

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15.03.2013 14:04

Nexthink expandiert und gründet Niederlassung in Deutschland

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13.03.2013 14:34

Gymetrics project funded by Eurostars

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11.03.2013 11:52

Gene Signal announces completion of private funding round

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06.03.2013 11:32

Prix IDDEA : un concours pour des idées novatrices et un avenir durable

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06.03.2013 09:44

Evolva to raise up to CHF 31.3 million

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05.03.2013 16:00

Adrian Bult und Ex-SAP Topmanager investieren in Mila

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05.03.2013 14:53

Endosense raises additional CHF 4m

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04.03.2013 14:39

Post und Run my Accounts erleichtern KMU gemeinsam die Administration

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28.02.2013 10:20

Deutsche Lauflegende unterstützt running.COACH bei der Expansion

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27.02.2013 10:20

Fifth vaccine of Okairos evaluated in clinical trial

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25.02.2013 09:34

Newscron fait ses débuts en France, en Belgique et en Autriche

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15.02.2013 09:52

How swissnex San Francicso supported the start of a new company

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13.02.2013 16:44

Bcomp and Iprova awarded the first CTI Start-up Labels of 2013

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13.02.2013 07:33

United Commodities schliesst Kapitalerhöhung ab

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12.02.2013 17:27

Talkbits Launches its Mobile App in US and UK

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11.02.2013 13:50

PIQUR with funding and support by the University of Basel

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11.02.2013 10:46

Y-PARC se réjouit du bilan de l’année 2012

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07.02.2013 09:49

Globalvisions Virtual Tour at Institut la Gruyère

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01.02.2013 12:10

Peter Schüpbach gibt CEO-Posten bei FashionFriends ab

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25.01.2013 13:53

Anergis Obtains U.S. Patent for Lead Product AllerT

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23.01.2013 09:34

BringBee Pilotprojekt in Zürich gestartet

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18.01.2013 17:10

Experten wählen rightclearing bei drei Start-up Contests ins Finale

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10.01.2013 13:33

Spinomix closes a USD3 Million financing round led by Debiopharm Group

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09.01.2013 14:12

Dybuster bringt Software gegen Rechenschwäche auf den Markt

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09.01.2013 10:14

Fondue Weltrekordversuch von

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28.12.2012 11:06

Final start-up selection for Lift Venture Night announced

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28.12.2012 08:52

Fontself launches PRO version

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27.12.2012 14:17

Regionale TV-Sender landesweit über Zattoo empfangbar

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27.12.2012 13:48

SysAssure adds Nexthink as Cornerstone to its Offering

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27.12.2012 11:58

Programm der HSG Gründergarage 2013 steht

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21.12.2012 11:05

HSG Gründer des Jahres: Anmeldefrist läuft

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14.12.2012 08:39

The detailed Lift 13 schedule is online

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13.12.2012 14:55

German industrialist invests in Green Motion

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11.12.2012 09:12

Die Stucard Community begrüsst das 200.000ste Mitglied

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07.12.2012 16:33

Biognosys closes financing round and hires new CEO

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07.12.2012 08:22

Wettbewerb für unternehmerische Inter-Generationen-Projekte

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03.12.2012 09:35

An incubator with excellent IT expertise

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29.11.2012 17:13

Attolight establishes a partnership with a big player in China

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27.11.2012 11:36

Klimafonds Winterthur fördert Routerank-Pilotprojekt

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26.11.2012 15:20

Honestly gewinnt deutschen CyberChampions Award

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26.11.2012 11:42

BioVersys gewinnt Jungunternehmerpreis Nordwestschweiz

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23.11.2012 13:41

Eight promising start-ups present at the next Swiss Venture Day

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