Startsummit: Interviews are online

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Investor Klaus Hommels and several start-up founders e.g. Adrian Locher of Deindeal gave short interviews during the Startsummit in St. Gallen. The videos are online now.

The Start Summit is the biggest Swiss start-up conference organised by students. The event took place End of March in St. Gallen. 350 participants attended the two day conference. Most of them are students and start-up founders but there are investors and representatives of corporations too.

Several speakers and founders gave interviews during the conference. Especially interesting is the interview of Investor Klaus Hommels, on seed and early-stage investments in the internet industry. He has made early stage investments in some very successful internet businesses such as Skype and Xing. In his interview he is giving some advice to business students for example “working several years in banking or consulting to gain some experience is a total waste of time for a start-up founder” or “team up with technical students”.

The interviews:

Klaus Hommels

Adrian Locher, Deindeal

Andreas Thümmler, Corporate Finance Partner

Fridtjof Detzner, Founder Jimdo

Axel Sitt, Founder Mapclever

Christian Puricelli, Founder

Simon Kreuz and Alex Jung-Loddenkemper, Weightdoc

Mario Götz, Questli

Fabian Weber, Park it


Stefan Kyora,




