Robot Revolution: From the Lab to the World

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Swiss university spin-offs flex their robotic muscle in honor of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Hear from the hottest companies and researchers and interact with a robot that balances on a ball, a service bot that acts as a guide, and a pair of tiny fliers.

The future in which robots are a normal part of everyday life, present in your car, your home, your office, is here. Technologies that were once only the subject of university research are now making their way to market. And a number of Swiss companies that began in academia are leading the pack.

In conjunction with the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, swissnex San Francisco brings you an evening (30 Sep 2011) of some of the hottest robotic spin-offs and inventions bubbling up from university labs.

Introductory remarks on the future of Swiss robotics are followed by live demonstrations of the Gilberto  interactive robot (Bluebotics), the CoaX and Flybox robotic micro-helicopters (Skybotix Technologies), and the Rezero ballbot (ETH Zurich). Plus real-time Webots simulations from Cyberbotics and inventions from ViSSee.

This is a project by the U.S.-wide program ThinkSwiss-Brainstorm the Future. As a leading country in science, research, and technology, Switzerland is working with its American counterparts to address key global topics such as sustainability to better understand trends and arrive at solutions.

