I-net Event: Novartis gives insight on collaborating with start-ups

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The latest i-net Life Sciences Technology Event on Tuesday, 29 April, in the «Sicht-bar» in Basel was attended by more than 140 participants. The theme was «Accessing external innovation: How Novartis collaborates with biotech start-ups in early drug discovery» and featured three speakers from the Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research (NIBR) – the research arm of Novartis Pharmaceuticals – in Basel. Event report by i-net.

Professor Dhaval Patel, Head, NIBR Europe, opened his presentation at the i-net event with a brief overview of research at Novartis and highlighted what is needed to develop a new drug. What may have been a surprise to many in the audience is that companies like Novartis look to external partnerships as part of their approach to research and science. «NIBR globally has more than 300 alliances in the academic space, more than 100 in the industry and more than 50 with start-ups», stated Dhaval Patel.

Mutual respect and cooperation are key factors in such external partnerships. For Dhaval Patel, collaborations are science-driven; based on exchange and cooperation between scientists; and on trust and a good relationship. Only then, both parties will achieve a «win-win».

New technology and methods for assays as results of collaboration
The second presentation, given by Dr. Jörg Trappe, Head, Hit Finding Unit at NIBR in Basel, focused on the current technological needs of screening labs. In earlier times, screening systems in laboratories were cumbersome and did not offer any flexibility. NIBR recognized the increasing need for more flexibility to match screening needs. «We reached out to the local biotech community in order to find a new system for this complex technology», explained Trappe. The result of this strong collaboration between NIBR and several small companies was a new screening automation system with different plug-unplug options. In addition to the technology, new methods for assays had to be developed. «In such a situation, NIBR contacts biotech companies and CROs directly to find out if they can help us in developing these assays», Jörg Trappe said.

With two case studies as examples, Doctor Johannes Ottl, Head, Screening Sciences Unit of NIBR Basel, showed in his presentation how NIBR partners with specialized biotech companies to tackle unmet medical needs globally. Ottl explained: «To develop a new drug, we first analyse the situation, then we scout companies that could help us fill the gap. If the feasibility study shows promising results, we start collaborations. And after negotiations and agreements, the journey may end with a patent set-up and the implementation of the technology at NIBR.» 

How to get in touch with the right people at Novartis?
The i-net event ended with an open Q&A session. One participant asked about ownership of a product that is developed by a start-up with funding from Novartis. Dhaval Patel explained that contracts are set-up on an individual basis. «However, organisations such as i-net can provide you with good guidance», he added.

Another participant asked the experts how start-ups can get in touch with NIBR. The answer of Jörg Trappe: «In some cases, we take the initiative and contact the companies.  I would also recommend conferences as a good networking opportunity.» Dhaval Patel agreed, noting: «Networking is the best solution. Events like the one tonight are excellent to make first contact.» The positive side of networking events is that they make it possible for scientists from both sides to interact and exchange their thoughts and ideas. According to Dhaval Patel, it is also important to understand that, depending on the status of a project, there are various ways to collaborate.

Additionally, NIBR has a web portal available for submitting proposals. But the emphasis was placed on the importance of seeking out networking opportunities.

At the end of the presentations the audience had the opportunity to speak with the NIBR scientists informally to ask more questions and exchange ideas.

More interesting reports covering companies and events in Northwestern Switzerland can be found on the website of i-net.

