Bain International Trading & Development SA: Approval of first Facebook application

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Bain International Trading & Development SA (Ltd) a small Swiss incorporated company based in Pont-­-La-­- Ville in the canton of Fribourg is pleased to announce the approval of it’s first Facebook application in BETA in to The Facebook Directory after three long hard years of research and development.

This totally unique ‘patent pending’ application allows users to list items for sale within a number of display panels within the application.

Once in the fapplication’s display panel system a listed item is dispayed in such a way that a potential customer can Buy the item, earning an immediate discount and a commission, Buy & Share an item earning an immediate discount & commission plus more potential commissions if an item is purchased from a friend, friend of friends or friends of friends of friends within a three tier commission tree structure, just share an item where a sharer will benefit from a commission if a share that user participates in is instrumential in the creation of a sale or save an item in a users shop, a premium service which allows items to be traded within the system after it’s listing life has expired or sold out.

Once the immediate commission tree stucture is exhausted an item can go ‘’Wild’’ within Facebook, travelling to unknown destinations an unknown number of times until it has either stopped being shared, expired from it’s listing time or sold out. If and when an item is purchased the three immediate sharers behind the purchaser all benefit from a commission, the nearest sharer to the buyer earning the most.

Any commission earn’t by a member is not permitted to take that commission for a period of thirty days, leaving the money on the users account as ‘Purchasing Power’ this Purchasing Power in the mean time can be used to buy items that friends have shared with them giving them a source of semi-­-virtual currency to pay with.

The system has been devised so that if a user purchases without an item being shared the purchaser earns a discount and a commission is paid into that users ‘Purchasing Power’ account keeping the users cash rich, unable to take funds earnt until the 30 day period has expired but having those funds at their full disposal to purchase within the project.


Route du Village I Pont-­-La Ville I 1649 I Switzerland I 0041 264 133 311 Registration Number I CH-­-217-­-3540602-­-2

