ID Quantique and Batelle install first quantum key distribution system in the U.S.

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ID Quantique teams up with Batelle, the world’s largest independent research and development organization, to bring quantum key distribution systems to the U.S. For the company from Geneva this marks a milestone in bringing their products to the U.S. market.

Quantum key distribution is a special encryption technology. While products based on this technology already are being used by banks and governments in Europe—especially Switzerland, where ID Quantique operates—they have not been deployed in a permanent, commercially-funded way in the United States. Battelle, with the help of ID Quantique, is in the process of establishing a link between its headquarters in Columbus and a second office in nearby Dublin, Ohio, approximately 12 miles away.

“This installation will mark a milestone in bringing COTS-based QKD products to the U.S. market” said ID Quantique CEO and co-founder Gregoire Ribordy. “Our partnership with Battelle will allow us to further develop our QKD technology in ways required by the U.S., such as bridging distances greater than our current limit of 100 kilometers.”

Because photons won’t travel great distances over fibre optics lines, the data must be sent station-to-station through quantum regenerators that serve as “trusted nodes.” These are based on quantum key system hardware manufactured by ID Quantique that will enable the two companies to bridge longer distances of several hundred kilometers. The data also is normally sent over two fibres, but Battelle is working on a solution using only one fibre optic cable.

Once that connection between headquarters and the Dublin office is established, the plan calls for new transmission lines to be established between Battelle’s main headquarters and other Ohio locations, then to a Battelle facility in Washington D.C. Eventually, Battelle plans to connect all its U.S. locations to the safe infrastructure.


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