Founder Stories: Reality and Myth


27.09.2023 18:00 - 21:00


Coworking lounge Tessinerplatz, Tessinerplatz 7, Zürich


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At the event co-hosted Kickstart Innovation and Founder Institute Switzerland local startup founders share how they experienced the reality of entrepreneurship with its challenges and rewards

If you are thinking about starting your own company, or have already started, join us for this unique in-person event hosted by Kickstart Innovation and Founder Institute Switzerland at Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz. Hear from local startup founders how they experienced the reality of entrepreneurship with its challenges and rewards, and take the opportunity to ask them your own questions. Learn more about the local startup ecosystem and socialize with others. Most of all, get away from the computer and have fun!


Elisa Chiarelli, CEO and Founder @ Yoordi

Julia Devecchi, CEO/Founder @ naanu Foods AG

Michael Striligás, Founder @ Vertliner

Suzanne Van der Maarel, Portfolio Manager @ Sentient Ventures VC

Ingeborg Gasser Kriss, Board Member, Advisor @ Founder Institute
