Hasler Stiftung Start-up Support

The Hasler Foundation may take a financial stake in start-up companies which demonstrate particular innovative strength in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). 

  • It has to be a young company with its headquarters in Switzerland, typically a Spin-Off of a swiss university. The founders have recently finished their education.
  • The product of the company (scalable product / scalable service) is an innovation in the ICT-sector in itself and not only an ICT-application - even innovative. The Intellectual Property Rights required are held by the company. The tech­nology, processes or services cannot be easily copied.
  • The company is lead by a convincing team which makes a success of the company feasible.
  • The market-potential of the innovative product/process or the service is clearly recognisable. A clear concept for dealing with the market must exist (proof of concept). The implementation of the concept has already been started through the company's own efforts. 

Company name
Hasler Stiftung

Company location
3011 Bern

