Spark Award ETH


19.03.2019 17:30


ETH Zurich, Audimax (HG FO 36.1), Main Building, Rämistrasse 101, HG F 33.1, Zürich


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ETH Zurich will present the Spark Award 2019 to the winners

The award is bestowed on to the most promising invention at ETH Zurich resulting in a patent application in the past year.

One of the Top 5 inventions in the challenge will receive the award.

The speakers at the event include:

  • Suzanne Thoma, CEO of BKW

  • Stefan Heuss, 'The Inventor'

  • Silke Meyns, head of patents, software and licences within ETH transfer

  • Silvio Bonaccio, head of ETH transfer
