Company profile

Accounto AG

Accounto simplifies the cooperation between SMEs and trust companies by using artificial intelligence. These technologies allow Accounto to take new paths in the field of bookkeeping in order to reduce the workload for all involved parties. By photographing and sending the documents to Accounto, all hard paper work for SMEs is already done. Accounto handles the received documents and submits them to the trustee for further processing. Thanks to Accounto, the daily life of SMEs and trustees becomes simpler and more comfortable!

More news about Accounto AG

30.12.2022 11:15

Experienced members on startups' board

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18.06.2021 10:39

Nach der Übernahme durch Axa stellt sich Accounto neu auf

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26.06.2019 17:00

Doppelinvestment von AXA

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11.06.2018 15:05

Luzerner Startup angelt sich die WIR Bank als Partner

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12.07.2017 13:24

Accounto lanciert Robo-Buchhaltung

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Accounto AG




