Call for projects for innovative design and interactive media projects

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Pro Helvetia is taking a new approach in the promotion of design and interactive media. The organisation aims to support projects not only in view of their artistic quality, but also with an eye on their innovation and market potential. In 2017, interactive media projects and innovative design projects will be supported with a total amount of CHF600’000.

With a pilot programme called «Coordinated collaboration in design and interactive digital media» involving partners from the fields of innovation, business and cultural promotion, Pro Helvetia is initiating new support tools to help creative talents make their mark in the field. The tools are aligned to the various steps in the development of a new product – concept, prototype, production, marketing – and are applied by Pro Helvetia in a targeted fashion with the assistance of expert know-how and advice. These measures have been developed by Pro Helvetia in accordance with the Swiss government’s cultural policy statement («Kulturbotschaft») 2016-2020.

This enables talented Swiss practitioners to acquire the skills it takes to advance their projects with a focus on both quality and innovation. In most cases, they are then offered the backing required for a successful international marketing of their product.

The support tools are on offer for artistically and technologically innovative projects that also show sufficient market potential.

CHF300’000 for interactive media projects
«Call for projects - Interactive media» is a pilot funding project by Pro Helvetia aimed at fostering the development, production and promotion of interactive digital content made in Switzerland. In 2017, Pro Helvetia is supporting interactive media projects with a total amount of CHF 300,000.

The call is primarily for projects involving Video games, augmented reality, virtual reality and interactive comics, as well as any other form of digital content that requires a highly level of interaction by the user.

The support measures are aligned to four stages in a project's evolution, from the development of the concept to the market launch. They comprise the following: concept grant, grant for the development of prototypes, production grant and project extension grant (finalisation, promotion, market launch, etc.).

New promotion model for designers
Design made in Switzerland stands for high quality, longevity and innovation. With this tradition in mind, Pro Helvetia has developed a new, four-step promotion model aiming to support the development and execution of top-notch projects in all branches of design. Talented Swiss practitioners in fields including fashion, household products, furniture, graphic and jewellery design are backed not only in the development, testing and implementation of their ideas, but also in the marketing of the resulting product. In 2017, the Swiss Arts Council is supporting innovative design projects with a total amount of CHF 300,000.

More information on the website of Pro Helvetia.


