Successful relaunch of

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Cofoundme, a Joint Venture between the Young Entrepreneurs Club at HSG and the ETH Entrepreneurs Club, is an online platform striving to connect future entrepreneurs with potential co-founders. Since the relaunch a few weeks ago, user registrations have multiplied. connects business and tech students from St.Gallen and Zürich. It is for students who want to start up their own business and are looking for team members, and for students interested in joining a startup, but that are still looking for an idea.

About a year ago, members of the YEC (Young Entrepreneur at HSG) came to realize that there was a lack of connection between business students (HSG) and students with a technical background (ETH) regarding entrepreneurial activities. So they aimed to evaluate measures to meet this by then unsatisfied conjunction. Eventually they figured out a way to build a platform striving to connect future entrepreneurs with potential co-founders in Zurich and St.Gallen and partnered with the ETH Entrepreneur Club.

The relaunch made the platform more flexible. Heretofore, users had to register either as an idea-finder or as an idea-creator. Now, one has basically not to choose anymore at the outset: the user registers and can, afterwards, create an idea as he pleases to his profile. At the same time, though, he’s able to search for jobs in another startup or join in a team contemplating to find one. This ads much more flexibility and freedom to the user experience.

Since the relaunch, user registrations have multiplied and have reached a number of nearly 500 in one month, only in Zurich and St. Gallen (!). It’s planned to expand to other Swiss universities.

