SEF.Founder Conference @SEF24


06.06.2024 12:00 - 23:00


«La Côté Jardin» im Viktoria Jungfrau Interlaken


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The SEF.Founder Conference at the Swiss Economic Forum has established itself as one of the premier gatherings for scale-ups, ambitious start-ups and SME. It provides first-hand insights and a unique networking opportunity at the conference as well as at the Swiss Economic Forum networking event.

The SEF.Founder Conference is the highlight of the year for start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs. We offer top-class speakers and specific formats according to the needs of our SEF.Founder Community. In addition to the carefully compiled programme, it is the unique networking opportunity with partners and like-minded people that is particularly appreciated by our participants at this event. After the SEF.Founder Conference, participants will have the opportunity to attend the Swiss Economic Forum's high-quality networking event with 1350 personalities from the Swiss economy.


12.00 p.m.         Door opening | Check-in | Welcome lunch

13.30 p.m.         Start SEF.Founder Conference programme

18.15 p.m.         Individual participation in the networking evening of the Swiss Economic Forum at the Casino Park
